
Thursday, May 19, 2005

Auschwitz and Berlin (again)

After retuning home from Holland, Bart and his parents took a trip to Auschwitz. We visited the WWII concentration camps in the middle of Poland. It was a long gruling drive on the Polish roads but very worth the trip. On our way home we choose a much longer path stopping in Berlin. While the over 40 crowd went on a walking tour of the city, Bart decieded to go up ontop of the Parliment building for the best veiws of Berlin.

Friday, May 13, 2005


After coming back our next trip was to the Netherlands to the flower gardens, Amsterdam, and other trips throughout Holland.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

While Pappa and Grandma (and aunt Betty) were there to watch the kids, Kari and Bart decided to take a quick trip (by themselves) to Venice, Italy.

Friday, May 06, 2005


In May, Barts Parents and his Aunt Betty (from Iowa) came to visit for 3 weeks. The first of our many trips was to Belgium, Luxemburg, and France (mainly Paris and Normandy.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

After returning from Spain Bart decided to go on a couple train trips by himself. (he still had 3 free train passes from his last trip) He took a day trip to Koln to visit the big cathedral and also the first of his 3 trips to Berlin.