
Saturday, December 17, 2005

The GermanBruleys

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Bruley Bogg

2005 is now coming to an end, This year we decided to try something new. Instead of the usual Holiday letter we are trying a blogg (or webpage to us) not really sure what the difference is anyhow. At the end of this little quick low down of our lives you can explore our sight and see pics if you like. (or hit the x in the corner if you don't) I'm sure it will be full of err'ors and miss-spealin's too. (may just be me typing in German as well) I am aware of this but I just dont let it bring me down, so try not to let it bother you either. If you'ld like to check out our year in chronological order just go through the archive pages in order, or feel free to cruise around in no order at all. I will try to keep this sight updated from time to time as well, so now you can celebrate the holidays 365 days a year just like the German Bruleys do.

the low down

Antons year:

turned 3, started the German kindergarten were he has learned to master the German language (bad words and all), also managed to master the fine art of using the toilet and sword-fighting. Participated in his first sport, soccer where he even managed to kick the ball a few times in a couple of games, a very big accomplishment when competing with a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds as well. Discovered he loves candy and chocolate and continues to have never-ending energy. Could be a little bit of trouble so we enlisted the help of a seceret spy.


(our spy) Continues to let us know every wrong move her young brother makes. Molding the young boy to be a perfect hen pecked husband. Despite this full time job still managed to have an extremely full and productive year. This year Alex graduated from Daisy scouts and will now become a brownie. She once again played soccer and enjoyed playing many positions on a team with a nearly perfect record. (everyones still a winner at age 6) Still going to the pool and now jumping off the diving boards. learned to ride her bike (with 19 lbs of protective pads on via her mother) lost 3 teeth, danced and was even invited to sing in the German Church with some of her class mates. German is good enough to be our little interpreter.


Worked alot, Army may have to shut-down when she leaves. Entertained alot of guests, both wanted and unwanted (see nannies). Traveled around Europe and even made it back to the states once. made progress on Barts flawless recycling program. Learning the fine art of driving 110mph on the auto-ban in a mini van.


Traveled around a bit and drank some Beer.

The Army:

Took full advantage of there Darmstadt Community Health Nurse by having her oversee the deployment of over 1,200 troops.

Decided to win the war on terror by bringing back the other Bruley. (apparently it cant be won without Bart's service) have him teaching the troops Combate life saving skills before they go to Iraq.

The Bruley Family:

Collectivley were in 16 countries this year, as a family visited Norway, Spain, Italy, Austria, Berlin, Amsterdam, and most made it to Paris and Normandy. We also babysat alot starting with Barts mother, Father and Aunt Betty. Then our friends the Steidl's (all 3) , After that Kari's folks and her uncle Dave. Spent so much time taking care of groups of three its only fitting that we deceided to have another child. Our #3 will be here any day.

Will post as soon he gets here.