
Thursday, July 27, 2006


July was a busy month for the Bruleys, After returning home and a quick mini-vacation, we tried to get back to normal, or in our case sub-normal. Bart went back to work and has been running around Germany, and Kari returns to hold down the fort at here place of work. The children are getting back to it as well. This is Antons last month before his best friend 'in the whole world' changes schools. Next month Alex will be going off to the big school and into the german schools first grade. Also Austin has bucked the system and went into full eating mode starting on whole foods. (couldnt keep this child away from solids any longer).

Austin gets into his first "spoon feeding".

Alex helps feed her little brother.

The boys hang out at the new dinner table.

The Heidelberg Castle from the river. (this was a riverboot cruise sponsered by Kari's work)

All the school age children camp out at the kindergarten, before going off to the bigger school. Alex in front of the tent.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Vatican City

Part of our trip to Rome included a trip to Vatican City. We stood in a 3 hour line, only to then travel half way through the city (its all a large museum that you have to go through first) befor we finally reached the painted ceiling (no photos allowed) then we went into ST. Peters Cathedral, and even happened upon John Pauls tomb. It was a lot of walking and standing and by the end of the day we were truely very "POPED OUT".

The long painted hall leading to the sistine chapel.

Kari insdie the vatican museum

Kari in front of ST Peters, on our bus tour.

Pope John Pauls II tomb, found this without looking for it.

Our family, back in Germany, before going to a 4th of July fireworks show.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


After returning from the Usa and our visits with the driving laws, in-laws and even perhapes a couple of outlaws, Kari and I choose to take a quick mini-vacation to Rome. The city was a bit old and it seemed many of the buildings needed a make over, but aparently thats the draw.

Kari, on the bridge over th Tevere River with th Castel S. Angelo behind her.

We take a break to slay some lions.

Kari outside the "colosseo"

Shhhhhhhh! quiet in here please. (pantheon)

Bart outside the pantheon.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Coming Home

Coming back from Wisconsin we travelled to Madison, WI and Chicago, IL. We took advantage of this oppertinuity to go see friends in Madison and some of the sights of Chicago befor flying home.

Alex, Big Daddy, and Anton up in the Sears Tower.

The kids down by the Chicago River.

The kids hang out at our friends home in Madison.