
Saturday, August 26, 2006

August, cont...

As you know are friends the Tierney's were here in August, also our nanny, Lumi had a birthday.

Our trip to the black forest.

At the Heidelberg castle.

Lumi gets another year older.

Friday, August 25, 2006

August Events

August was a very busy month for the German Bruley's. A couple of quick trips around Germany with our friends (our next door neighbors from Maryland) the Tierneys coming to visit. We travelled with them to Berlin and also to the Black Forest were we proceeded to help the local bussiness and there clock making skills.

The 'dom' in Berlin

Down be the river in Berlin with the Tierney's

The kids at the Russian memorial in Berlin.

Anton goes for a spin.

The girls enjoy a ride (notice the great background here)

Kari just liked this guys facial hair and couldnt help herself.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Early August

August started off with an airplane ride for myself from a friend who is a private pilot. Then I went off to no where land (in Germany) to teach, tiny town next to Rothenberg o.d. Tauber. This is an old city of Germany that still functions on a day to day life inside the old city wall.

Our "big plane" trip, you get to see much more when your only 1-3,000 feet off the ground.

One of the other instructors and myself out side the torture museum.

These our the two guys I teach with, believe it or not they actually are not retarded.

the city of Rothenberg from the highest tower, the wall can still be seen standing.