
Monday, October 01, 2007

Made it

OK OK I have been a very bad boy lately and not been posting. The fact that today is 2 months this side of the Atlantic Ocean, now been in the house 6 weeks and had the internet now for 2 weeks is no excuse for this. I agree I need a spanking (who's gonna step up to give me one?) Trust me we have been a bit busy trying to get setteled in and the kids into school and sports. I will try to get more on here because we haven't been the world travelers lately either. Just working on a couple of houses (Bart), school(Kari, Alex,& Anton) and soccer (Alex & Anton) trying to teach these American kids a bit. We are almost completely into the house and are awaiting visitors. We are very close to the Airport (MSP) and have a little pad between 2 lakes, a park, and a golf course. It is also off a bike path (good for Bart) and good for public tranportation, (it cost to much for Kari to park at school). So sorry will try to get this thing running a bit again and put up some more pic's of the kids and house.......... soon

The kids at the waterfall by the house (end of bike trail)