
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Benin, Africa

As I'm sure many of you know, September Took me (Bart) to Benin, Africa for work. The U.S.A. dept of defense every year conducts drills in poor impoverished countries, giving them medical support, treating there people, and at the same time learning about there cultures and expanding our knowledge in many area of disease. This year one of the countries in which we conducted one of these events was Benin, Africa, rated #6 on the poorest country list (for now). I got to share in double duties there, first training there military in medical skills and also helping to treat there people. (got to diagnose my first ever full malaria pt.) This was perhaps the greatest trip I may have ever taken and by far the most rewarding event I have ever done with the military. This country was only known for two things Slave trade & voodoo'ism. The country loves the U.S. and the people were awesome. I can't say or show you enough about this trip. It will take three 'blogs' just to get to the tip of the iceberg here (bad phrase for africa) this first one will be from my primary duties ' training the Benin Army in Medical skills'.

This was myself and some of the fellow instructors.

When we were finished with everything we did a training exercises with the military, fire dept, and police at the airport. We set up a plane that had went down drill with 60 injured people and made them evac from plane, treat and get them to the hospital (the whole capitol city has 4 ambulances only) But our troops stold the show and out performed everybody.

This was our class graduation.

One of the students practice putting on a field dressing.

This was the ambulance that the military owns for service in Ouidou.